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"The Trend cannot be predicted and less guaranteed, but it can be stimulated. The bright symbols excite, snatch, capture attention, passionate, cause reaction, which immediately becomes a new motivation. In that short time assigned to the symbol, the Trend achieves to produce a change in being, whose memory will remain in the Being forever."


“Play” means to enjoy, have fun, achieving a victory, a game of colors, shades, shapes and lights.
For all BES hairstylists and the BES family, hair coloring has always been considered something magic, art, dream and enchantment. Mixing colors appropriately or extravagantly, obtaining personalized, surprising,
perfect results. “Play”, gamble and have fun with new color mixes.
The haircuts of the collection, through specific movements and techniques, take shape slowly, becoming geometrically perfect.
Defined mosaics, where color and cut merge to create supernatural and multidimensional spaces.
Color and the art of coloring, which we consider a real game, a skillful game, played by the most enterprising and skilled professionals in the sector, to whom the customer relies with extreme confidence, actively participating with wishes and requests sometimes even crazy and foolish.
A game to become protagonists, to perform, to create results that enchant and amaze.
Playing with hair and color like a puzzle. Each nuance is a small piece of an immense puzzle in which the image changes continuously without ever repeating itself. In harmony, with appropriate blends and creative flair. To create wonderful paintings in which every reflection, every nuance, every shape fits perfectly into this magical puzzle.
“Play”, a collection where every imperfection is enhanced, because in games perfection can be achieved from everything.
A fun physics game where nothing can neither be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. Everything transforms!
We can think of “Play” as the right tool to field a winning idea, oriented towards a single goal: well-being, integrity and beauty of the hair and the person.

CaffeLandia Collection.

BES CaffeLandia Hair Trend Collection. The beauty and elegance of fashion in harmony with the pursuit of taste. Coffee in all its specialties offers sensations of pleasure, aromas, flavors and different scents, creating a particular atmosphere between magic and passion. The same specialties that distinguish and enhance the spirit and creative flair of each Hair designer.

The cutting and coloring techniques are characterized by multidimensional overlapping disconnections, that through specific textures give refined, variegated and multi-chromatic expressive effects. From the intense and deep color of the coffee to the neutrality and purity of the white milk. The woman and man of CaffeLandia express a timeless fashion full of elegance, charm and character. Fashion color: brown in all its expressions and intensity. BES CaffeLandia Hair Trend Collection proposes brown as the main color of the new nuances created.

CaffeLandia ranges across the immense chromatic world of coffee, presenting nuances such as “Ristretto coffee”, “Mocaccino” or “Velvety coffee”. Each nuance matches the shades of coffee, expressing a complete chromatic harmony that adapts to the personality of each one, enhancing the elegance and refinement of a classic or contemporary fashion. The colors of CaffeLandia exude femininity and style. They transmit intense vibrations that lead to a visual, gustatory and olfactory sensory journey that arouses emotions, inspirations, thoughts and positive energies.

The shades proposed by the new BES Hair Trend Collection CaffeLandia enhance the woman of today, transmit her delicate nature and her tempered character, confirming her as the real protagonist of everyday life.

Etnia trend Collection

If, with a touch of magic, we could get to know every ethnic group, we would become aware of the beauty and extraordinary diversity of the world, inhabited by people as diverse as they are unique; each with its own culture, history, way of living, and way of seeing the world. India with its mystery and mysticism, Brazil with its smile and its air of celebration. The wild nature of the Scandinavian countries, amidst eclipses and midnight suns.

The white of Antarctica, the red of the Australian mountains, and the green of the equatorial forests; the endless gold of the African deserts and the crystal blue of the Caribbean islands. Traveling across the American prairies to the Great Lakes of Canada, through the canals of Amsterdam and Venice, enjoying goulash or couscous and drinking Brunello or Champagne, we would realize how wonderful it is to taste and breathe in every ethnicity that inhabits the Earth. What unites the diversity of the many ethnic groups is precisely their intrinsic beauty, a concept as ancient as the world itself, and thus universal. What is beautiful is what you like, what surprises you, what attracts you by its peculiarity, everything that affects our sensitivity, awakening emotions that become indelible images in our minds and hearts.

Color, form, uniqueness, beauty… ethnicity: BES 2020 trends collection “Etnia” sought this year to immerse itself in the heart of every culture, highlighting its colors, flavors, aromas, and melodies. The sensuality of red, the refinement of black, the elegance of blonde. Warm tones and cool tones come together in harmony, just as on Earth in an embrace of different ethnic groups. Once again, BES Beauty & Science sought to amaze, diving deep into each ethnic group, developing new artistic proposals that enhance human beauty with creativity and enthusiasm, awakening wonder and emotion.

REVIVAL Coleccion

The new BES trend collection REVIVAL is the expression of a fashion that plunges into the past, into a journey through the ages that have marked and carved the path of mankind in time.

REVIVAL touches three different but perfectly compatible emotional expressions: Music, Color and Style, to assemble them in the harmonious realization of an artwork. Freedom of shapes and colors, refin ment and elegance, determination, sensuality and resourcefulness are visible in every shot, in every pose, in every look. The search for style and the evolution of fashion in history inspire the creation of the collection. The pleasures awakened by a sound, the synchrony of the chords and the balance of the melodies, associate the music to the face of every age.

The strong and delicate colors represent the character and the emotion of each generation. The expression of form and movement create wonder and amazement, and it allows the artist to show off his creativity and ability by designing a current fashion on the imprint of the past. Revival brings back a never forgotten pas and makes it visible in the form of images and emotions.


The term “hydrosphere” derives from ancient Greek ὕδωρ hydōr, “water” and σφαῖρα sphaira, “sphere”, a magical fusion between fluid and form. Hydrosphere is natural perfection, able to project who lives it in a world without patterns or borders, where everything is free and pure. Hydrosphere expresses itself through forms, colors and cuts, carved and graven, like a creek that leaves an indelible sign of its passage.

Colors discompose inside the water drops suspended in the air, in the unpredictable sea, in the mystery of the founts, in the mirror effects of rivers and lakes. They create thousands of lighting shades, unique and unrepeatable, which make the woman an enchanting creature for those who look at her.

The man, authoritative and elegant, assumes a natural but refined look, embellished with bright pearls of color that exalt multidirectional cutting lines, the texture of the hair and its shapes.

Essenza Collection

ESSENCE as art purposes. Art is the creative manifestation of the human being. To create art are necessary intelligence, dedication, desire and a formidable amount of creativity. The art reveals itself in the form of painting, music, architecture and sculpture. Art can be interpreted as a science, the science that reveals the beauty of the human soul. Only who feels the true ESSENCE is able to develop an artistic movement without time that becomes precious of their uniqueness and originality during the years. With the ESSENCE collection BES Beauty and Science was inspired by the artistic heritage of which our wonderful country is the sole guardian. With this collection we have tried to capture the ESSENCE of what is beautiful and awesome: the Bernini’s Scala, the Colosseum, the St. Peter’s Dome. These works are, without a doubt, among the most impressive and rich in meaning that have ever been created. A mix of precision, charm, majesty and modernity that they can relate well to the sensibility and to the artistic ideal of its creators. The ESSENCE collection, inspired by the great artistic heritage that Italy has, wanted to create something new but at the same time wanted to keep anchored to the unique roots and Italian art features. BES Beauty and Science wanted to realize an innovative collection, both in form and colour; a collection that will never be outdated, but that appears always timeless and contemporary. A strong collection, decisive and original: the ESSENCE of the ART!

Pixel Collection

The New Trend Collection presented by BES Beauty & Science wants to redefine the exact meaning of the word PIXEL, by proposing chromatic elements that will show the high vibrancy and quality of colors. It is a collection that defines brightness and deepness in colors. Digital world bursts inside the Beauty Salons, giving a new life between digital art and modern styling! The New Trend collection is ”PIXEL Technique”. An eccentric technique, very intense, that is promoting the beauty and the chromaticity in self-exalting colors. Plus, it is completely innovative and has never been used inside the Beauty Salons! Thanks to these techniques, it is easier to observe the pairing and the fusion occurring between colors. And it’s a high quality solution, so the colors stand out and they become noticeable to everyone eye! These colors and haircuts techniques are based on geometry principal ruling: they create movement and texture, combined with colors of high definition. “Pixel Trend Collection” colors, through the fusion of warm and cold expressions, arouse emotions and sophistication, ranging from natural pure tones to a mixt of infrared and ultraviolet.


"5 ELEMENT BES SPAIN S.L." is the official representative of the Italian brand "BES" in Spain.

Welcome to the team of professionals!


Monday to Friday:  from 10.00h  -  14.00h;  from 17.30h till 20.30h;  Saturdays from10.00h a 14.00h. Tlf: 677 331 627.

Avenida Burgos 22, Edf. "AQUA, 29670 San Pedro Alcántara, Marbella (Málaga)  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.